
Academic Counselor (Veterans and Service Members)

Larence科比 spent 30 years in active duty and now assists veterans and service members in the Delaware Tech community as an academic counselor. During his interactions with students, Kirby shares his personal experiences as a non-traditional student going to school while handling family, 工作, and financial challenges.

Military Background:
U.S. 空军, Rank Command Chief Master Sergeant, 30 years Active Duty, Bronze Star Medal Recipient (actions in Afghanistan)

Educational Background:
Bachelor’s in Psychology, Master’s in Education, Master’s in Counseling, Master’s in Human Services, Doctorate in Human Services

Q: What is your favorite thing about 工作ing at Delaware Tech?

"Being able to eng年龄 with students and helping them form, then reach their goals. Their goals may involve more than education, as many students need assistance with life balance to make them successful."

Q: Why did you decide to enlist in the military branch you served in?

"I was at an immature st年龄 in my life and sought maturity, discipline, and direction. 起初, I regretted my decision, then I realized the significance and reward of serving our country."

Q: Why was it important for you to 工作 at Delaware Tech?

"As a licensed counselor, I wanted to help others, in an education setting, achieve their academic, 专业, 个人目标."

Q: Describe your first day at Delaware Tech. What was that experience like?

"My first day was 'eye opening' as I felt a rush guiding students toward their educational success. I did not realize how many students sought out faculty guidance and were receptive to feedback."

Q: What changes have you seen in yourself since you started 工作ing here?

"I am better able to focus on the task at hand, because I have 工作 responsibilities which better align with my counseling background."

Q: What do you like the most about 工作ing with student veterans?

"Being able to understand and relate to their military and post-military experiences because I went through it, 太."

Q: What are some of your favorite moments 工作ing with student veterans at Delaware Tech?

"My favorite moments are reminiscing about similar military experiences (overseas assignments, 部署, making rank) while ensuring they complete their education."

Q: Do you have a favorite memory from your time at Delaware Tech thus far?

"Helping distribute food through an outdoor food bank event. I enjoyed meeting people and ensuring those in need had one less thing to worry about."

Q: What hobbies or interests do you have outside of the College?

"As a licensed 专业 counselor, with a private counseling practice, my interests are assisting those with mental health concerns. Because of my background, many of my clients are Veterans or Black males who traditionally have difficulty expressing personal distresses, so I take pride in assisting them and all populations."

Q: What are your future goals?

"Continue spending time with my family, continue helping others through my counseling practice, and establish a nonprofit for Black males providing them with the 太ls for entering, 剩下的在, and graduating college."


Veteran and Service Members Counselor

Started Working at Delaware Tech